Wednesday, February 26, 2020

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example Bearing all that in mind a detailed look at how and why EU social policy was developed will be examined and its development to prevent social dumping is also examined. Brown contends that â€Å"national and supranational policies of social protection and labor market regulation are appropriate for a deepening and widening the European Union and explores good and bad ideas for the Social Chapter†. (2004 p 19) Brown also states that the success of the national social policy is prejudiced by the degree of economic integration. (2004 p 10) This means that deeper EU mixing and incorporation will put emphasis on the stress for social policy reform and synchronization. However, the most policy-makers should strive for is minimum standards acceptable to all countries.† (Brown 2004 p 11) To examine the issues surrounding the policy in respect to social dumping it is important to understand the necessary push of economic integration in its numerous forms. These include trade liberalization to enhanced labor and capital mobility. Brown 1004 p 11) These can be can be better understood by putting them in the context of the premise that they are by and large desirable, yet it usually has â€Å"adverse consequences for relatively inefficient producers.† Brown. This is because relations and communication between social policy and economic integration become particularly obvious whenever it is the poorer members of EU countries who lose out. (Brown)In instances such as this integration is likely to lead to demands for greater social protection. The usefulness of national social policy is affected by the amount of economic mixing as well. In this instance organization and synchronization may possibly be essential. Especially if such policies are to be successful and have any value. If this is the scenario governments may possibly use them advantageously. Governments could use them strategically to benefit their own citizens at the expense of foreigners. Brown 2004 p 11) Examples of how this could be done include presenting less regulation and lower social protection. This would encourage inflows of capital, that would otherwise be known as 'social dumping'. The problem that can arise when this occurs is that if left unrestricted lower levels of social protection all round will result. Although to the degree that current national social policies in Europe are" ill-designed or fail to protect the most disadvantaged members of society, this could be a positive outcome." (Brown 2004 p 12) If anything has been learned from past EU integration it would be that the amplification of this, including the poorer Mediterranean countries and Ireland would be the result. In addition, realization of

Monday, February 10, 2020

How Does Gender Bias Negatively Impact the Role of Men in Nursing Essay

How Does Gender Bias Negatively Impact the Role of Men in Nursing - Essay Example Gender bias negatively impacts the role of men in nursing by: Not all male nurses believe gender bias has had a negative impact on their career. But, fewer than 6% of the Registered Nurses in the United States today are men (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Considering approximately 49% of the population is male, the 6% figure indicates that bias may be impacting the entry and retention of men in the nursing field. Furthermore, Wilson (2005) in a study of Australian nursing students, found that in a three-year period, the average attrition rate for males in a university-based nursing program was 55.5% but only 45% for females. This, too, raises concerns about what is keeping men from entering or staying in the nursing field. One answer is gender bias. Gender bias, most succinctly defined by the higher education company McGraw-Hill, is "Behavior that results from the underlying belief in sex role stereotypes." (McGraw-Hill Education Company). Entire dissertations have been written defining sex role stereotypes. ... eotypes ("conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conceptions, opinions, or images") ("Stereotypes") based on the roles ("characteristic and expected social behaviors of an individual") ("Roles") based on sex/gender, traditionally male or female. Vogel, Wester, Heesacker, & Madon's (2003) finding that women and men act in accordance with social roles which are often segregated along gender lines helps summarize how sex role stereotypes are perpetuated. They continue, "Popular culture has embraced the idea that women and men are different. Self-help books, talk shows, and magazine articles routinely acknowledge large gender differences" With popular culture stressing distinct differences and roles for men and women, it is understandable that a career traditionally considered female would not be considered attractive to some men. To assess biases and the status of Men in Nursing in 2005, the research firm of Bernard Hodes Group performed an on-line survey, open to male nurses and nursing students, from October until December 2004 and received almost 500 responses (N=498) (Bernard Hodes Group, 2005). Of note were the men's responses to the question regarding their perceptions about nursing before entering the field. The top four responses, with percentages responding, to what they had as perceptions of men and nursing: Traditionally female dominated field (85%) Other professions perceived "more appropriate" (62%) Nursing salaries are not competitive with other careers (33%) Nursing is not an autonomous, decision-making profession (27%) The next most popular response, "Nursing doesn't provide much upward mobility" garnered only 16% of responses. It is evident that the perception - or stereotype - of a subservient female is still in place. The media does not